32.46% (AAAA+) BLACK MAMBA 220$/OZ


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Named after the deadly African snake, the Black Mamba cannabis strain is renowned among its users for strong effects that has made them curl up and want to rest. It’s an indica-dominant hybrid, so a state of sedation or deep lethargy will be inevitable as reviewers have noted. Some have used it to help relieve insomnia while others have used it to fight off bodily aches and pains that kept them from falling asleep. The Black Mamba strain has a terpene profile high in Myrcene, the terpene that is reputed to help a person feel sleepy. This strain also contains a low amount of CBD, which is the cannabinoid found to help in blocking pain signals throughout the body. Some consumers have reported that Black Mamba assisted well in alleviating mood syndromes such as depression and anxiousness. In any case, Black Mamba purportedly helps users reach a better state of mind while calming their body down into a relaxed state.

Generally, Black Mamba THC levels average around 32%. Its genetics stem from crossing Black Domina with the popular Granddaddy Purple. Both novice and veteran consumers have enjoyed this strain, though novice consumers should take heed of their serving sizes.

If you’re lucky enough to come across Black Mamba at your local dispensary, you’ll be dazzled by its colorful appearance consisting of deep greens and purples. Its colors should be dark and bordering black when seen out of the corner of your eye. Its scent is skunky but sweet, containing hints of berries such as grapes. Both the inhale and exhale have been known to be very smooth, so anyone that has a sensitive throat or lungs will be happy to note this strain’s smoke isn’t harsh.

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3.5, 7g, 14g, 28g